Food Sovereignty,

Nature Restoration &

Seed Preservation with Community Seed Banks

We are living in a once-in-a-civilization moment, with profound consequences for the fabric of life on earth. Rebuilding food security by preserving, protecting and proliferating native seed systems is of vital importance.

SeedKeepers was established to support remote communities in establishing their own native seed banks and biodiversity registration.


We are dedicated to a Revolution in

Native Seed Preservation

Native plant species around the world are disappearing every day due to habitat loss, climate change, severe wildfire seasons and extreme weather events. As these plant populations are lost, so too are the ecosystem services they provide and the loss threatens the Traditional communities which rely on these varieties for food, medicines and cultural use.

Community seed banks have emerged as a vital community resource due to their contribution not only to food and ecological security but also to the economic, political and social empowerment of communities.

SeedKeepers is an urgent response to the deepest needs of our times.

Indigenous Rights related to seed and propagating material is an important issue

in connection with the conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources and for local food security.

Become a member of SeedKeepers

Community Seed Bank Network

Real Time Support

SeedKeepers provides our members and partners with up-to-date government and

industry information using

easily accessible platforms.

We also provide opportunities to help engage youth in native seed collection and

work to Increase native seed production across Indigenous communities. 

Get started with a comprehensive assessment TODAY.

Bio-Registry and Ethical Collections Management

SeedKeepers provides ethical guidelines for anyone involved in indigenous seed collection & storage,

and offers ongoing support for the coordination of indigenous revegetation projects. 

SeedKeepers utilizes Bio-Registries to help local communities claim Traditional knowledge of novel varieties and put that variety in the public domain.


SeedKeepers will help you develop a 10-year roadmap for the sustainable operation

and development of your seed bank, including planning and construction, seed collection, documentation and training community members in the successful management and operations of the seed bank.

  1. We also connect our members to potential funding opportunities and ongoing training.

Decades Of Experience

Our founder, William Martin, has been supporting Seed Banks

and Seed Production since 2002

We must not underestimate the power of the seed. It is a symbol for regeneration, for growth, and for hope. When we hold seeds in our hands, we hold the future of generations, the future of our homelands, and the rebirth of Traditional cultural practices. We have created seed vaults across the globe to hold our world’s seed varieties in perpetuity.

We have a lot to learn from the power of the seed.

SeedKeepers was founded to address the core challenges of our times, and offers an empowering horticultural movement, one that views management of Traditional Cultural Knowledge as social justice.


Make contact here and let's

Seed What Happens...

Let's discuss how starting your own Community Seed Bank can support Food Security, Food Sovereignty & seed-based ecological restoration in your region.

Signing up is easy!

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